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{{ pricesQuotesByGroup[0].rates[0].groupName }}
or similar
Car group: {{ pricesQuotesByGroup[0].rates[0].groupCode }}
{{ pricesQuotesByGroup[0].rates[0].availabilityName }}
{{ priceQuote.plan.title }}
{{ priceQuote.plan.description }}
{{ pricesQuotesByGroup[0].rates[0].options.find(v => v.chargetype === 'S' && v.code === 'LB').name }}
{{ pricesQuotesByGroup[0].rates[0].options.find(v => v.chargetype === 'S' && v.code === 'LB').subtitle }}
{{ (pricesQuotesByGroup[0].rates[0].pricePerDayDiffLb > 0 ? '+' : '') + app.formatCurrency(pricesQuotesByGroup[0].rates[0].pricePerDayDiffLb) }} /day
Excess: {{ app.formatCurrency(pricesQuotesByGroup[0].rates[0].excess) }}
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remaining time {{ countdownValue }}